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我在非傳統新教宗派領洗,但當時施禮者以「聖父、聖子、聖(神) 靈之名」為我施洗,請問天主教是否會承認為有效領洗?
【 問題來自 】 Hong Kong 香港
程明聰神父答 :
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認識一位患腦退化症的長者, 她雖然不是天主教徒或基督教徒, 但她每次都熱心參與老人院的祈禱會, 又懂得唸天主經和聖母經, 想請問在這種情形下她還可以學道理領洗嗎?我們繼續為她傳教和祈禱有效嗎?
I was wondering why people are allowed to remarry once their spouse died. Wouldn’t they end up with several spouses then? I also want to know if marriages on Earth will be honoured in heaven or if God will take away our marriage? I love my girlfriend and plan on marrying her and the idea of losing the special exclusive connection we have terrifies me.
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