Got questions about faith, religion, theology or anything related to the Catholic Church? Fr. Francis will answer them here.
你有信仰、宗教、神學或與天主教教會有關的問題嗎? 程明聰神父在此為您解答。
你有信仰、宗教、神學或與天主教教會有關的問題嗎? 程明聰神父在此為您解答。
How many times should we forgive friends or relatives? I feel like a fool, weaken character, relying on people, let them walk on me like a door mat, offered chances over and over again to be hurt instead, Jesus taught us to forgive 7×7. It is absolutely difficult to face in reality, but just to ignore. I can’t change people but to change myself. (Jan 05, 2025)
神父好,我是新教徒,但也主張基督教的合一。最近去了幾次天主堂參觀,也參加過一次彌撒,但發現了很多疑惑的地方。 首先是為什麼平信徒都逕用「基督教」稱呼新教呢?兩個堂的平信徒都是這麼稱。天主教也是基督教的一分子,新教作為改革後的教派,與天主教原是不分離的,天主教徒何必畫得如此清楚呢?至少在新教內,我沒見過有信徒或神職人員在與天主教并列時自稱基督教,若用「基督教」則必是同指新教與天主教。 另外是我觀察到天主教會的用語似乎被新教同化,印象中的「神修」與「亞孟」竟然都變「靈修」與「阿們」了。後者反而沒什麼,但天主教不分神魂與靈魂的差別嗎?神是人與天主親近的部分,魂是人活動的精氣,所以天主教才用聖神而非聖靈,希望我的理解是正確的。如果前面的理解不錯,將「神修」改為「靈修」不就成了只是靈魂的修行,而非與天主溝通的神魂了嗎?為什麼會有這些轉變呢? 之前去兩個堂的時候神父都有事沒能問到他們。謝謝神父的解答! (Jan 03, 2025)
Jesus preached mostly to Jews in His 3 years of ministry (except the encounter of the woman of Canaanite). He downplayed the Gentiles (Matthew 5:47, 6:7) and even instructed the Apostles to avoid them (Matthew 10:5). In the first few chapters of Acts, Peter also focused his ministry on Jews. But then God made a sharp turn converting Saul/Paul and sent him to Gentiles preaching the Gospel. Was the plan changed? Why? (Dec 27, 2024)
My Catholicism training told me that we humans are prone to sin due to the scar which original sin had left us. This also proves that Holy Mary is “sinless” since she is immaculate. My two questions are 1) If this is true, then how could Adam and Eve committed the first sin given that they carry no original sin too and were full of grace. 2) If someone who has no original sin could still commit sins by free will (like Adam and Eve) then why do we say 100% Holy Mary is “sinless”? (Dec 20, 2024)
About the messages of Our Lady of Fatima, I think the request that She asked Russia to be Consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart only be done partially, yes, several Popes (current Pope included) made the Consecration. But Russia has not completely converted yet, because Russia is Orthodox country now, while she indeed returned to Orthodox after Soviet atheism, I believe what Our Lady spoke in Fatima is that Russia will be Catholic if Her request completely be done. Father, what is your opinion? (Dec 06, 2024)
Is there a chance to know if our loved ones are in purgatory or in heaven? How can one enter heaven directly? How long will they stay in purgatory? My 14-year-old brother and my parents had passed away. I am asking the question for them. They were good Christians with immense faith but they were also sinners in front of God. Thanks father. (Nov 22, 2024)
My catholic teaching told me that once we commit a mortal sin, we lose all the grace of God and we are not in communion with the Church or God. I fervently believe so. However, for a sinner to repent, despite the need of our free will to repent, we still need the grace of God in order to be aware of our darkness and evil and thus to seek the forgiveness of God. In a nutshell, a mortal sinner cannot repent without the grace of God while a mortal sinner is not in a state of Grace. Kind of a paradox? (Oct 25, 2024)
How can I ask for forgiveness from my deceased mother, because I gave her a lot of troubles and back answered her answered her back all the time. I regretted it totally and I asked God everytime for forgiveness every time. What can I do more to fully make her fully understand and repent as I feel guilty and drained for all what that I did to her.? What penance or what should I do to tell her I love her and I am sorry for all what that I did to her.? She was for me but, to my poor understanding, I didn’t recognize it at that time. Help me father. (Oct 11, 2024)
Speaking of Matthew 25:14-30, I guess we all run into similar dilemma when doing annual review with our financial advisor in recent memories. While joking aside, Matthew 24:30 sounds like a mean gesture towards the receiving end, how should we fit in the scripture as aforementioned to the circumstances in your opinion? (Oct 04, 2024)
A practising Catholic will be marrying a non-practicing Catholic (who may not believe in God anymore) in the Catholic Church. Can they have a Nuptial Mass with the non-practicing Catholic not receiving Communion? Since sacraments should be received in a state of grace, and the non-practicing one obviously is not in such a state, what does it mean for the non-practicing one to receive the sacrament in that state? Will the non-practicing Catholic still receive the grace of Matrimony? (Sep 27, 2024)
程神父,剛過去的世青節,都有些疑似褻瀆聖體的事件或跟禮規有些違背的事件在社交平台發出了。例如開幕彌撒全都只找平信徒負責分送聖體,這麼多的神父卻做什麼呢?小弟如沒記錯,禮規說明分送聖體首先是司鐸,當真的不夠司鐸,信眾太多,才可找平送徒(送聖體員)協助。可是,在世青開幕彌撒,看不到有什麼原因只安排平信徒分送聖體。其次,只是用一些收納箱存放聖體,有點不敬的感覺。其實,世青或亞青,我想應該是趁這機會,聚集不同的青年人一起,更新信仰,從而發揮鹽光的作用。可是,如果當中卻出現了這些疑似不敬的問題,我們可怎樣正確活出信仰呢?當我們強調聖體聖事真的是耶穌的身體時,但都出現這些不敬的安排時,叫青年人怎去相信耶穌聖體呢? (Sep 27, 2024)
神父您好:我是近年領洗的青年教友,慕道時一起接觸現行的新彌撒跟傳統拉丁彌撒,剛開始覺得新彌撒比較易懂,讀經也比較豐富,拉丁彌撒相較之下則緩慢無聊。但是逐漸發現新彌撒的禮儀總是混亂潦草,而且神父的角色太重,每每無視禮儀書的規定而自由發揮,且全年都只用第二式感恩經,甚至講道常違反教理,使人如坐針氈;拉丁彌撒則寧靜無比,每次都讓我融化在聖愛的汪洋之中,可以很沉浸地與主交談。如今我不想再去新彌撒了,然而我們教區一週只有一次週六晚上的拉丁平日彌撒、一個月只有最後一週有拉丁主日彌撒。想請問神父:如果一週只去週六晚上的拉丁平日彌撒,時間已是主日的守夜(vigil),能否算盡主日本份呢? (Sep 27, 2024)
Does the phrase “goodness is diffusive of itself” contradict to the free will of God? I think because God is goodness, and by the theory that “goodness by nature is diffusive of itself”, God MUST diffuse Himself by creating a universe, hence, creation of the universe is a necessary phenomenon instead of a free choice. (Sep 20, 2024)
Father Ching, I pray to God, ask intercessions from Mother Mary and St. Joseph. I also pray to 6 other Saints for their intercessions according to different needs. Am I wrong in doing that? I feel that I am not having enough faith in God and not having enough trust on Mother Mary and St. Joseph’s intercessions. I know the Saints pray for us and they received permission from God to perform miracles. So I’m actually a bit confused. I’m desperate about my family’s various situations. (Sep 06, 2024)
We know Blessed Virgin Mary is the Immaculate Conception because Jesus has saved her first. From this, we see the salvation of Jesus transcends time. Then, may I know why Jesus didn’t also first saved the Faithful in the Old Testament? Instead, He let them stay in Limbo for centuries? (Aug 30, 2024)
What am I supposed to feel when my younger brother brings his girlfriend to our house to stay overnight every day, even when I tried to voice out that this somewhat feels not right, but then my parents and my brother are totally against me and even arguments happened and made me feel so hurtful as they think that I am too conservative. Nevertheless I‘d apologised for voicing out and not being very polite to the girlfriend. Can I just keep quiet from now on already since nobody will listen to me. (Aug 16, 2024)
As a Catholic teenager living in the UK, June is ‘Pride month’ for the LGBT community, how should we see it as Catholics and how to have a conversation with LGBTQ+ people as me and my Catholic friends are having an online debate with some LGBT atheist. Also how should we view Christians from other denominations that celebrate pride and goes to pride parade as well as Catholics that are LGBT? God bless. (Aug 09, 2024)
神父,請問具體而言試探上主的意思是什麼呢? 耶穌受試探時,魔鬼要耶穌從聖殿頂跳下去,因為天主必定保護他;耶穌說不可試探上主。這裏的意思是不可以抱著懷疑的心,要天主證明自己的能力,甚或違抗天主的計劃,對嗎? 《依撒意亞先知書》七:10-14裏,上主要阿哈次求天主一個徵兆,阿哈次拒絕並說不願意試探上主,然而其實他不願依靠上主。從這個來看,試探上主的核心是抱著懷疑的心去求天主嗎?言行是否試探上主,與那個人的信德的關係是什麼呢? 又如《瑪竇福音》十七:14-20裏,有一個人請門徒治好他的兒子,然而門徒並不能夠。耶穌回答是因為門徒缺少信德。耶穌授給門徒驅魔治病等權柄,但是門徒信德不足辦不到。然而他們沒有試探上主的心,請問這樣和試探上主類似嗎?分別是在哪裏呢? 最後,假如一個人患病苦不堪言,四處求醫不果,於是求天主治好自己,並相信天主必定能治好他,也相信並信賴天主的慈愛、憐憫,對這些並不懷疑;但是他對於自己得到治愈的信心並不足夠,那這樣會是無意中試探上主嗎?如果這人不斷祈求也沒有好轉,而仍然堅信天主的大能和慈愛,但對得到治愈的信心更小了,這樣會無意中試探了上主嗎? 望神父指教,感謝!主佑! (Aug 09, 2024)
Question about gay marriage. I don’t think Pope Francis accept that but his message is that we must accept them as children of God. Is gay marriage a big sin but can be forgiven? Biden claims to be devout Christian but based on the fact that he is ok with abortion do you think that is acceptable? I am confused. I only think think that abortion is allowed only in case of sexual abuse and incest victims. Please give me your opinion. (Aug 02, 2024)
If I was Catholic before, but left the church, what do I do to become catholic again? I went every Sunday with my family, baptized as an infant, had my First Communion, Confirmation, but not my wedding. My husband was a Baptist, so we were married in a Baptist Church. Ten years later, I want to raise my family in a Catholic Church, as does he. What do I do? (Jul 26, 2024)
With the protests, riots and violence in HK and the US, it’s a challenge for me to let go and stay peaceful. My children have different opinions and one doesn’t communicate with the rest of the family. She’s a heart of a Stone: The US way of upbringing, my limitations have driven us apart. Having a harmonious relationship and communication become impossible. How can I let go and find INNER PEACE? (Jul 19, 2024)
My husband has serious illnesses called dermatillomania and trichotillomania. His skin problem has ruined 90 percent of his skin and his emotional wellbeing. I am determined to keep my family intact with a marriage not functional in terms of physical intimacy. As a Catholic, what are the tips for me to shoulder my cross my marriage easier? That is to maintain chastity, I am middle age, in my situation? (Jul 12, 2024)
程神父你好,媽媽是虔誠的天主教徒,早晚會祈禱,每個主日都會參與彌撒,對天主全心的愛與交托,為我是一個很好的模範。但我不是一個教徒,雖然從小媽媽會帶同我一起去彌撒,但她並沒有為我安排嬰兒領洗,她希望我從心出發決定自己的信仰。 於我,我相信唯一的天主的存在,但我相信自己多於對天主的愛與信任,我並沒有信心可以做到像媽媽那樣,所以一直以來從不考慮領洗,與其做一個名不符實的基督徒,那我還是不要做好了。 但最近媽媽的突然離世,讓我驚覺不是所有事情是人可以掌控的,更擔心死後不能與媽媽在天國重聚,所以我報讀了慕道班。為着這個原因領洗,天主會接納我嗎?就算領洗後,我也沒有信心做到像媽媽那樣虔誠的教徒,於我這給予我很大的壓力,也讓我猶豫這樣懷着目的的信仰是否正確? (Jul 12, 2024)
因為時候將到,那時人不接受健全的道理,反因耳朵發癢,順從自己的情慾,為自己聚攏許多師傅 (弟茂德後書 4:3) 神父您好,我是天主教徒,我從學生時代開始,就是一個勤學好問的人,我喜歡問問題,並從別人那裡獲取知識,得到答案。 後來我接觸基督信仰,也是這樣子。隨著我對信仰認識的深入,我喜歡向不同的基督徒學習借鑒,包括天主教會的,其他教派的(東正教會、新教……) 但是,我發現這種「好學」讓我混亂,因為哪怕天主教會裏,每個人對天主、對信仰都有自己的理解,我不知道怎麼“協調”自己得到的答案,然後其他教派的基督徒對信仰的看法更是五花八門,我迷失在不同人的觀點裡,不知道要去哪個教會:天主教會、東正教會還是新教,有好幾年。 後來我讀到這節經文,我在想,是不是應該改掉喜歡向不同人發問的習慣,在信仰的事務上,既然入了天主教會,就以天主教的教理和傳統為標準,不再像以前一 (Jul 05, 2024)
Is Christianity a made-up religion by people who want to change the society and risked their lives doing this? Can it be fake? I know there are historical evidence of Jesus from historians but can they lie too? Can the apostles lie? Can the miracles and contents of the Bible be fake? I really do want to believe because I know that a lot of good things can happen to me and the service I can provide for God but I really have a lot of doubts. Please help Fr. Francis!
(Jun 14, 2024)
In the Bible, it says “ Everything happens by the will of God. We don’t need luck because as Christians, we have the maker and upholder of all things in the universe watching over us and living inside of us!” (Jeremiah 29:11) I am Chinese and luck and fortune is a big thing in my culture. I’m just conflicted on what to believe. (May 31, 2024)
父您好: 數年前,我問過您這個問題,但是 我前陣子看關於俄羅斯名勝的紀錄片時,拍攝一個教堂的片段,有提到:史達林在納粹德軍即將進攻莫斯科之際,有透過一個宗教聖人,向聖母求援 結果聖母應允他的請求,讓莫斯科獲得了拯救。 這讓我感受史達林私下是有信仰的,也無法想像他在面對救主耶穌的審判時 聖母不會站在他與主耶穌之間 流淚懇求:我兒,你能否饒恕我的另一個兒子約瑟夫? 而不免為史達林的靈魂祈禱,這妥當嗎? 另外 我最近讀本信仰方面的書籍,書中思想是天主是罪人的辯護律師,而非嚴厲的法官或者檢察官,對罪人是愛與治癒 而非一昧嚴懲, 我心中不免想: 天主必然有祂的方法,超越我們的想像,治癒每個靈魂,這想法神父會反對嗎? (May 17, 2024)
We Catholics believe that if we die in the state of grace, then we can go to heaven. Sometimes, I feel very much like and long to go to heaven…..when I hear someone passed away, should I be happy for him/her that he/she can enjoy life in heaven? But I feel contradicting myself which we should feel sad when the person died? Also, If the soul is already in heaven, what happens to the final judgement? Is this the 2nd judgement of the soul? (May 10, 2024)
It is my understanding that we all face our judgement at time of death and destination was chosen already. Why will God “duplicate” this process at final judgement? Will He be recalling those in hell to attend the end of the universe? The only reason I can think of is for God to fulfil the promise of keeping all creations’ body and soul reunion. Will there be some “unexpected salvation” to those in hell? (May 03, 2024)
God has given us all freedom to make decisions, to live our lives. Yet, we always said “God has a plan for each of us”. What if, for example, if God has a plan for me to be a mother and yet, I choose not to have any children. So how does God’s plan work on me? Is there a contradiction here? If not, how are they related to each other then? (Apr 26, 2024)
Is Catholicism strict against any form of pre-marriage sex? Rule 7 of the Ten Commandments prohibits adultery. But adultery is different from pre-marriage sex between a pair of loving and loyal couple in a stable and long-term relationship. Is it only the act of sexual intercourse that is prohibited, or is it so wide as to prohibit any level of physical intimacy? Can I share a room with my boyfriend/girlfriend in a trip? (Apr 12, 2024)
In the Summa Theologiae, Tertia Pars, Question 83, Article 5, Objection 3; Aquinas ascribes the sign of the cross to events of the Passion when the priest says certain lines in the Roman Canon. These actions are now omitted, even though the text is unchanged. What changed and can the actions return? (Mar 29, 2024)
神父您好,我是一位天主教教友。我想請問您,最近網路上好多人提到關於「與神對話」conversation with God , 作者是Neale 這本書的內容,大意是作者因為遭逢人生低谷,之後因緣際會下與「天主」直接溝通(用書信的方式) 裡面提到了很多關於人生、信仰、信念、價值觀、愛心等等的議題。 請問神父看過這本書嗎,我感覺他用很高的層次來看待人生這件事情,而且感覺很有智慧。 但我擔心他會不會是冒著天主的名義,想讓人迷惑的,請問神父能幫忙我們判斷像這樣的書,背後的訊息來源是天主嗎? (我真的感到很迷惘,目前在台灣,有兩本書是照著「與神對話」的名義寫類似的書籍:「觀音之愛」-作者Sikila 、「老神再在」-作者 許明杰 我覺得看了後面這兩本書後,覺得很多觀念跟天主教不太一樣,但又好像有些道理,只是我擔心是魔鬼的伎倆。 如果神父您已經看過這三本書了,能請神父回應這是來自天主的書嗎? 如果神父您還沒看過的話,能請神父幫忙看一下「與神對話」這本書嗎?(我可以靜候您看完書之後的回覆,因為我是如此的渴望得到確切答案) 我真的感覺很迷惘,很怕受魔鬼誘惑, 謝謝您神父! (Mar 29, 2024)
Dear Fr. Francis, How can I better understand “Let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No’ be ‘No.’ (Mt 5:37)? I’m a bit confused as Jesus had tried to conceal his ID as the Messiah & sometimes asked those who received His healing not to spread the news publicly which seems to contradict this teaching to tell the truth. How should I apply it to my daily life? Should I not take Mt 5:37 literally and need to be flexible if saying the truth might hinder God’s work in certain circumstances? Thank you. (Mar 08, 2024)
Jesus never broke any commandments and laws in the Old Testament Books of Laws, I wonder does he obey anything in the Wisdom Books, for example, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Sirach? I also wonder how should we view the words of Wisdom Books? Are we also obliged to do as the Wisdom Books says? (Feb 16, 2024)
I committed a grave sin and I believe it was God who sent a message that his doors are locked to me. The message was given through an acquaintance who out of the blue told me about his ‘‘brother’’s sin which not only was identical to mine but included details about me that no one knows. Finished by telling me that I should be ‘proud’ of all the good things I had done for they could not be covered with one hand (obviously all the sins) Is there any hope I can still be saved? (Feb 02, 2024)
神父您好,虛心請教了。我在網上看到這樣一段。如果有人明知耶穌是真天主(即真神),賜下了救恩,還故意不接受,當然他們得不到救恩--不是天主不肯賜救恩,而是自己不接受而已,但如果他們都不是明知而故意地拒絕,天主卻因此而定他們的罪,你說天主會不會如此不公道、如此蠻不講理呢?世人都會說「不知者不罪」,何況那位本身就是真理而且「願意所有的人都得救」(弟/提前2:4)的天主?祂一定體諒他們。不要忘記,耶穌深明「給誰的少,向誰要的也少;給誰的多,向誰要的也多」的道理哩!(參閱路12:47-48) 這段話的意思是,如果有人明明知道耶穌是真正的天主,並且給予了救贖,卻故意不接受,那麼他們當然無法獲得救恩。這不是因為天主不願意給予救恩,而是因為他們自己選擇不接受。但是,如果他們明知道卻刻意拒絕,天主卻因此定罪他們,你覺得天主是否不公平、不合理呢?一般人都會說「不知情者無罪」,更何況那位本身就是真理並且「願意所有人都得救」(《提摩太前書》2:4)的天主呢?祂一定會體諒他們。不要忘記,耶穌深知「給誰少的,向誰要的也少;給誰多的,向誰要的也多」的道理!(參閱《路加福音》12:47-48) 關於您自己的情況,我明白您以前有信仰並經歷了一些特別的事情。然而,您後來回想起這些事情,卻發現信仰並未持續存在,是否與您的情況相似呢?每個人的信仰之旅都是不同的,信仰的體驗和感受也因人而異。如果您感到迷失或困惑,我建議您尋求信仰指導和支持,例如與神父進行深入的對話和咨詢。天主愛您,天主保佑我們!期待您的回覆! (Jan 26, 2024)
如果天主係全知嘅,即係天主知道我哋將要發生嘅一切事情。但往往那些事可能係災難、極恐怖、邪惡嘅行為…,但天主卻不會阻止,那些事情仍然會發生! 如果我否定魔鬼其實操控著世界,那麼我就會覺得天主好似係度「自編、自導、自演」咁去玩弄我們人類!因為我們的一切祂其實已早早安排了,既然好醜、禍福、生死已早定了,我們可以怎樣!(這裏我會想,我們可能仍然可以透過祈禱請祂協助!) 所以我好多時會解讀為 : 魔鬼同天主其實係有一個協議 – 世界由魔鬼操控,天主不會阻止魔鬼對我們的誘惑(除非我們向祂請求協助)!而主的救贖全是在我們死後發生 – 即是人生就彷似一個受試煉的地方,如果人能抵擋魔鬼的試探,死後便可進入永生! 神父你覺得我以上嘅理解可以接受嗎? 如果我唔用以上嘅解讀,其實好難理解,點解世界上有咁恐怖,事情發生!基督徒好多時也同樣遇上災難….! (Jan 26, 2024)
What should we do if we suspect a priest or a Catholic Church is under influence of evil attack or occult or witchcraft who often find target at priests and churches? Should we avoid the church when it is suspected there are satanic or witchcraft practisers infiltrating into the churches? Holy communion received from priests less holy at heart or do not fully practice Catholic teaching would be less recommended? (Jan 12, 2024)
Mother Mary is Immaculate of original sin when she was conceived in St. Anne. I believe God can make anything happen. But why then God must choose a free of original sin’s lady to be Jesus’ mother? Why did God not make the same or similar miracle happen with Jesus’ conception inside Mary? (Jan 05, 2024)
神父好!我跟男友交往踏入第四年,早前我們都有一起住,神父,請問我應該如何平衡天主與自己和男友與自己的關係?請問是否真的一次性行為也不能進行?請問還是我該考慮修道生活?但我又很清楚自己會不捨得男朋友。希望神父能解答我,謝謝! 又經常發生性行為。但早前我辦告解時,跟神父就說明了此罪過,他很嚴厲地告知我原來性行為後不能領聖體因為是褻瀆。於是我便開始通知男朋友我之後都不在他家過夜,且不再跟他性行為。 有一次,我抵抗不住誘惑,又跟他發生了,但當時我心是不想的。事後,我立即哭了,當刻我男友亦知道了我的心意,我真的不想再發生關係了。 經過以上的事並隨着我歸化主後,我跟男友的價值觀有明顯的分別,最近亦為這些事而吵架,他雖會尊重但亦會因不能性行為而傷心,我看見他這樣傷心都很心痛。 (Dec 29, 2023)
With a toddler and a baby, I find our family missing mass quite a bit during the winter cold and flu season as sickness rotates throughout each of us! Is missing mass due to a child’s sickness (or even our own) considered a sin that will require confession each time before receiving communion? (Dec 22, 2023)
Let’s say there are two devout Catholics, both carry out the work of God. One is quite lucky all his life but the other encounters troubles in all aspects…lack of friends and family support, difficult career, lots of illnesses. Will the latter somehow get compensated more in heaven because of his sufferings during his lifetime? (Dec 15, 2023)
我想請問一個道德上的疑問: 1945年 美軍解放納粹達豪集中營,接受集中營守衛的投降,但之後他們在集中營看見死難者屍體堆積如山,倖存者如行屍走肉的悲慘景象,起初大為震驚 驚恐不已,接著變成怒不可遏,怒火中燒,接著這些美軍官兵便以試圖逃跑為藉口,將已經投降的納粹集中營守衛全數集體槍決。 事後帶頭槍殺納粹守衛的美軍軍官說他們只是殺掉一群應該下地獄的人渣 自己只是在伸張正義,而美軍高層也給予這些美軍寬赦,沒追究刑事責任 神父,您認為這些美軍官兵槍殺集中營守衛好替死難的集中營犯人討回公道 是否合乎正義?天主會如何看這類行為?會認為這是伸張正義的善舉嗎?我有時想起此事也會覺得這些美軍沒有違反不可殺人的誡命,覺得他們只是把一群嚴重危害人類生命安全的魔鬼送回地獄,這樣想對嗎? (Dec 08, 2023)
We have been trying to conceive naturally over years but in vain. We have also been receiving hormonal therapy but turn out that the side effect has to put the therapy on halt. If sperms are collected through conjugal act & if parents shall instruct medical team to conduct IVF in a way so that fertilisation shall happen within wife’s body, would this be considered theologically not as mortal sin? What are other conditions for assisted conception be moral?Will parents giving birth be condemned? (Dec 01, 2023)
Dear Fr. Francis, at the wedding in Cana when Mama Mary told Jesus that there was no more wine, did Mama Mary want Jesus to do a miracle? What was Mama Mary\’s intention at that moment? I am now studying John’s Gospel with a renowned Christian Bible study fellowship and I was told that Mama Mary, like other disciples, wanted Jesus to reveal His identity. I have never given a deep thought on that. Did it also take time for Mama Mary to grow her faith and have deeper understanding of Jesus? (Nov 24, 2023)
I was wondering why people are allowed to remarry once their spouse died. Wouldn’t they end up with several spouses then? I also want to know if marriages on Earth will be honoured in heaven or if God will take away our marriage? I love my girlfriend and plan on marrying her and the idea of losing the special exclusive connection we have terrifies me. (Nov 10, 2023)
I have been bothered by the molestation of young children by priests/clergy. The thing that bothers me most is the position of the church and the handling of such acts by the church authority. Why does the church go to such length to hide the crime/sins committed by priests/clergy at the expense of the victims? Don’t the church also need to be bound by the law? To me, those priests have committed a crime and they deserve a sentence for their acts! (Oct 20, 2023)
Jesus never told us to pray to Mary. Jesus is the great intercessor and we prayed to him as the great intercessor to reach God. Nowhere in the Bible it says to pray to Mary. If it’s not in the Bible and we should not believe it. You can hope and pray to the Saints and Mary is more powerful but that’s just my belief that is not biblical. (Oct 06, 2023)
I have signed up to help teach Sunday School for kids aged 10-12, Pre-Confirmation class. Are there any structured and engaging curriculum out there I can refer to? Also, I would like to teach the kids and myself to pray, using poems / books / news … any websites / books I could study to get more prepared? I am in HK and the Chinese materials I found at bookstore are indeed not very engaging and believe the teens nowadays look for something more interesting and relevant to life (Sep 29, 2023)
Due to location factor, as a Catholic, can I attend a Protestant Church to fulfill the obligation of worshipping on Sunday if there is no any Catholic Churches nearby? Can I receive Holy Communion in the Protestant Church since their theological view and belief on Communion is different from ours? (Sep 22, 2023)
I’m catholic. Relationship with my parents has been bad since I was small. Domestic violence and now attempt control of finances. Recent years I decided to cut off relationships/contacts. I couldn’t hold longer, need focus on jobs. Am I still welcome at Church? “Honor thy father and thy mother.” Am I still a Catholic? If so, is this approval valid to all churches? Or different countries have their own rules and moral judges based on the culture? I currently live in a Southeast Asia country. (Sep 15, 2023)
Is it fine to attend Sunday mass online because of my heavy work schedule? Have I sinned to do so? I attend mass recorded from my church. The day has only 12 hours,I try to replenish sleep, and play with my cats and go out with my husband who really wants to do outdoor activities with me. I am exhausted ! My mom said if I love god so much I should go to church. So I did for a few weeks and now I don’t look forward to Sun anymore, please help Fr Francis. Sincerely. (Sep 01, 2023)
This is a bit embarrassing but does oral sex count as sex before marriage? Me and my girlfriend both enjoy it but then I’m getting worried about whether I’m turning my back on God. I sort of feel unclean whenever I do it but that might be because of what people said online. Finally, if it is a sin do I need to go to confession? Is it a grave/mortal sin or not as serious. (Aug 25, 2023)
Can a Christian live without reading the Bible? Can a person who only goes to Sunday Mass but does not say any prayer everyday experience change? What can you suggest youths to pray for their own life, their family, and their community whether at school, church or the office? I see many youths are struggling in the youth ministry in terms of participation and some are also struggling to voice their opinions. (Jul 21, 2023)
I am a Catholic but my husband is not. He does not believe neither in God nor in heaven. He argues that if God does love everyone without any condition then he does not need to be a Catholic to enter Heaven. He believes that as long as he is a “good” guy, our “God” will let him enter into heaven. (Jun 23, 2023)
神父你好,我有一位改革宗的朋友,在一次聊天中我們正巧談論到所謂的「神蹟終止論」,我當時表示不置可否。請問神父,我們聖教會對於這個在神學上有什麼相應的解答呢?謝謝。我重新問了一下他,他的大概意思是說所謂「神蹟終止」是指聖神當初恩賜給宗徒們的,比如可以說多國方言、醫療疾病等等,隨著宗徒時代的結束,神蹟也就結束了,簡單的說他要表達的是「神蹟恩賜终止」。然後我反駁說,實際上天主的神蹟到今天依舊有啊!然後我舉了花地瑪聖母和您提到的露德聖母治好很多絕症病人的見證。他則說:「是的,但問題是,你們這些都是無法證明存在、也無法證明不存在的說法啊!」然後他又說:「這樣吧!請你告訴我現在還有梅瑟、厄里亞、 厄里叟時代類似於紅海分開、死人復活、立刻治好痳瘋病人之類的奇蹟輩出的案例嗎?」我表示更糊塗了。請神父再麻煩解答一下。謝謝! (Jun 16, 2023)
你好程神父:首先,我是天主教徒但男友是非教友,我們都22 歲,而且視大家為未來的夫妻。都這年代了,我跟他半同居,經常發生性行為, 我知道是不對的,但我看到他很想,害我都心軟了。可是我是把他視為未來丈夫,天父那麼仁慈會原諒我嗎?如果我們真的控制不了,那我可以一直進行修和嗎?那修和後又忍不住再犯了,我可以一直再去修和,像是在輪迥嗎? 我怕我拒絕他後,會讓他想自己看片手淫或對其他女的有非分之想,所以我都一直配合。因為我小時候爸爸有曾經出軌,我真係不想像媽一樣失去了他。我又不敢跟他解釋為什麽要突然拒絕他,覺得他好可憐喔。因為他的朋友對性都比較開放,也曾邀他去夜店的,他都一直在拒絕 了,好怕他會被壞朋友跟這世代帶壞,上不了天堂。我還想他跟我一齊相信主,所以也請神父為我們的關係和末來的婚姻祈禱,為他的周圍祈禱,還為他的聖召祈禱🙏🏾 還有,請問我看到在教堂結婚的女生都穿得很 露,那是不是有罪?如果結婚後因為想要那個卻不想要那麼多小孩所以避孕,那是不是也有罪? 天主教真的那麼不容許性行為嗎? 謝謝程神父!主佑! (May 12, 2023)
I am going through a period of bad lust and going further away from God, and my desire to become a Priest becomes less and less. I am 17 years old and I have been dating a girl for a while now. We are falling into deep lust now. We are both practicing Catholics, but because of this I feel like we are falling away from the faith. I think I have lost my virginity, but I don’t want to go deep into that. My question is, how can we overcome this and come back to the faith Hollier. (May 05, 2023)
Hi Fr Francis, I recently heard that if we attend midnight mass on Dec 24th, we do not need to attend Christmas Day mass on December 25 to fulfill “Christmas obligation”. This year is different as Christmas day is a Sunday. We need to go to mass on Christmas Day to our Sunday mass “duty”. But if neither Christmas eve nor Christmas Day falls on Sunday, we only need to attend either midnight mass or Christmas Day mass. Is this correct. What about Easter Vigil and Easter Day masses? (Apr 07, 2023)
I had a discussion with my Catholic friend about my good inner healing and family tree experience, but he is very skeptical about this. He says that any curses or impact to some sins our ancestors did (especially those we didn't even being told) is not Catholic teachings, and more Protestants teachings when they take Bible out of context. He has quoted Ezekiel 18:19-20, and mention that others' sins (that we don't know) won't be the "root cause" of reasons need for inner healing. Is that true?
(Mar 24, 2023)
I have a friend who calls himself an atheist. But he reads religious and theology literature extensively probably knows the Bible better than I. He asked me the following question and I don’t know how to answer appropriately: According to the Bible Herod killed many innocent children by his decree. This is infamous as an evil act. God killed many innocent children who were the 1st born child in Egypt. This is celebrated as a mark of God’s goodness. How do you reconcile the inconsistency? (Feb 24, 2023)
我丈夫今年年初嚴重腦出血中風,在此之前的三至四年間,我一直悉心照顧他,因他患有中度腦退化及柏金遜病,以致活動及認知能力都很差,並且他大小便都失禁,照顧方面十分吃力。我五年前退休,原先希望退休後能好好利用時間做自己想做的事,但結果未能如願。我耗盡精神時間照顧我丈夫,努力幫他做復康運動,帶他針炙看中醫。到今年年初,他的健康進展十分理想;另一方面,我也有一點空閒時間可以看我喜歡的哲學書籍,並在春節期間寫寫揮春,我還以為可以達致雙贏 的情況。然而,突如其來的嚴重中風、加上住院兩個月期間又得了新冠及感染一次細菌肺炎,我丈夫目前入住安老院舍。他要插鼻胃喉及喪失語言和吞嚥能力,當然還有肢體癱瘓。除了心力交瘁外,令我很難接受的是,似乎天主沒有與我同在,祂容許發生此事,似乎因為祂要摧毁我所作的一切努力。又是否祂不喜悦我閱讀哲學書籍,要我全心全意的照顧我丈夫呢?(今次我丈夫的不幸事件是否暗示天主不喜悦我閱讀哲學書籍,因為哲學和宗教信仰兩者有衝突?) 這是困擾我的第一個問題,希望程神父能解答,之後或會有其他提問。 (Feb 10, 2023)
1) Will it lead to superstition to greet people with 「恭喜發財」 during Chinese New Year? 2) Are all the Chinese New Year 「揮春」 like the 「福字」 and the symbols of the 「十二生肖」 will be the cracks to let Satan sneak into our house? 3) Can we read the little paper from the fortune cookies for fun? (Feb 03, 2023)
我是一個一直在信仰問題上掙扎的人,最近學習天主教的祈禱方式時感受到靈性的召喚,在考慮報慕道班並且領洗成為天主教徒。然而我本人是一名女性的雙性戀者,我認真閱讀和了解過天主教教理後知道天主教對同性戀行為和同性婚姻的態度是什麼,但我向主祈禱並且省察自己的良心以後,結合我對於自己愛情的了解和我對同為LGBTQ的朋友的認識,並沒有感受到罪惡的譴責,也沒有感覺我需要放棄我與生俱來的、獨特的愛人的方式。我清楚按天主教的教理我若是以後選擇與一位女性結婚,那麼對於教會來說將不被承認,而且很可能會是明知故犯的大罪(同性性行為同理)。那麼我有幾個問題:1)我是否應該報天主教會的慕道班?2)我是否能接受洗禮?3)若我不應該受天主教會的洗禮,我是否應該考慮在天主教會完成慕道班學習後去聖公會領洗?4)我若領洗入聖公會後發展同性伴侶關係或者跟同性結婚,算不算犯了大罪或者死罪?5)我該怎麼樣與我當地的天主教會提起這個問題? (Feb 03, 2023)
近日在信仰上面對一項困惑,是有關現任教宗的。從報導中看到,教宗寫信鼓勵一位美國耶穌會士牧養LGBT教友們。從牧民角度上,我認為即使不同意LGBT兄弟姐妹的生活方式,都應該盡力去照顧他們;但感到現任教宗甚少再多強調教會對婚姻家庭價值的立場,因此我感到這些做法更令人感到含糊不清,到底現時教會對婚姻價值的立場如何? 另一方面,近日收到有教友給予我一本名叫《真理書》的書籍,內容是一位自稱看到聖母顯現的女士,指現任教宗將會放棄教會一直以來的教義和傳統,是假先知。雖然我都不相信這本書的內容,但看到近年教宗在很多倫理議題上含糊不清,這令我更感到困惑。如果一個教宗偏離了聖傳,到底作為信友應該如何面對?服從教宗應服從到那一個程度? 謝謝! (Jan 20, 2023)
魏神父對教友張小姐說:劉先生久不進堂,他不辦告解,我不給他領聖體。 張小姐說:他不一定要找您辦告解,他可以找別的神父啊! 魏神父說:我要問鄰近教堂的每一位神父。 劉先生是不是久不進堂,劉先生有沒有辦告解是劉先生的秘密,和張小姐完全沒有關係,魏神父怎麼可以把劉先生的秘密洩漏給張小姐? 請問您:魏神父犯什麼罪? 有一天,劉先生到鄰近的教堂找沙神父辦告解,第二天早上在平日彌撒前,劉先生問魏神父:劉先生昨天有到竹南找沙神父辦告解,劉先生可以不可以領聖體?魏神父拿起他的手機打電話,打完電話告訴劉先生:你可以領聖體。劉先生回家後問沙神父,沙神父告訴劉先生,魏神父有打電話問他劉先生是不是確實有找他辦告解,他說有,劉先生可以領聖體。 請問魏神父有必要這麼做嗎? 魏神父犯什麼罪? (Dec 30, 2022)
How does Christmas tree related to Christmas? Are there any symbolism of decorating the Christmas trees? During Christmas, people usually decorate with wreaths hung on doors or windows. How does it relate to the birth of Christ? Why do people use holly with berries for decoration in Christmas? (Dec 23, 2022)
最近問自身一個問題:應該自行尋找修道的路,還是等待主的路? 年初睇左佛教的六祖慧能的劇集其中有不少的啓發。如果人活喺天主之內,天主本在人之內,為何人同天主的關係永遠似係人的主動?而人的天性下,天主性難以彰顯;而天主性之下,人的一切反而難以在天主之內而變得更渴求天主。而俗世的一切都係天主形骸的話,聖俗的差異只系於人心的眼界,咁樣嘅話,神道上的追求 / 對天主聖言的渴求,唯一的解,似乎只有自身成為天主的本身。問題又嚟,我如果追求天主的路,咁我追求的 係我追求的路,定係天主畀的路呢?定無論何時何地何人,只要一心追求上主,上主的上智就必指引最上的路呢?結果我等咗三兩年天主的召命, 係如同夢中的,定如同我所渴求的呢?夢中的話,十年南柯醉一夢,主客未言誰知程,路中難尋真光明,倒是幻象卻成真。我求的話,世事渺渺經奇象,目睹經上某事宜又得夢境偕神視暗稱天主妙。聖言問我的話,只求天主一言定生死,唯此語句未許音左右,唯有唐突求解。 (Nov 25, 2022)
你好。我的弟弟相信他有神視神恩,可是我對於他的描述有不一樣的看法。因為他有幾次向我和母親說看到我去世的父親向他交待一些東西。我的父親也是天主教徒,他是在2011年去世的。對我的看法,人去世了,如果他不是犯了滔天大罪,通常都會先去煉獄,然後靈魂淨化之後會回歸天主的殿堂。可是,我的弟弟已經告訴我們他不止一次看到我去世的父親。我本身的看法是:父親如果已經回到天父的懷抱,那不應該時常會給我弟弟看到。當然,我也不是完全的質疑,只是想了解更多關於神視方面的知識。再者,就我弟弟看到我父親這些事,也可能不算是神視,可能只是潛意識在作祟。 我曾經有向我們聖堂的神父請教過這件事。然而,聖堂的神父覺得只要不影響我弟弟他日常的作息,這並不是什麼問題。 網上對於神視的知識很有限,尤其是辨別神恩。 (Nov 18, 2022)
我必須很慚愧地說,在前一陣子,我曾經染上召妓買春的惡習,但遲遲不敢去告解,之後我經歷一些事情之後,覺得自己應該要淨化自己的靈魂,於是去辦了告解之後把這個惡習給戒除了,這一陣子以來我都很希望自己有美好的婚姻,只與自己的另一半有性行為。可是最近我因為幾位朋友與家人從生命中消失(生離死別都有)感到失落,心情很悶,感情上面也毫無著落,我感受魔鬼似乎引誘我去重染惡習,感覺牠叫我再去做此行徑以此表達對天主的失望與憤慨,又說:做了又怎麼樣?再去告解就好了啊! 而我盡全力抵擋這個可怕的誘惑,如唸聖經與玫瑰經,又常常看傅天娜修女日記所寫的地獄七苦(The 7 Sufferings of Hell, Revealed to Saint Faustina Kowalska, a 20th Century Mystic),警告自己千萬不要讓自己陷於此,可是我感覺自己還是不斷的被誘惑,我該如何抵擋? (Oct 28, 2022)
Questions from 5yrs old grandson : 1) is heaven real? 2) where is it? 3) is it on Earth? 4) (I explained that once people passed, and if they lived a good, kind life, they go to heaven to join God and Jesus) Can we see them in heaven? 5) is heaven between Earth and space ? 6) is God and Jesus the same person ? 7) Can we see the people once they die? (We explain that they exist in our memory, in our hearts, in photos, but they become guardian angels to watch over the people they love who are still living on this earth.) (Sep 30, 2022)
據悉教會一向認為天主聖智其實是耶穌或聖神,但在舊約智慧篇我看到天主聖智以女性形象表達,而在東正教聖像畫又以天使形象表達,使我引起以下猜想。 1. 天主對天使及人類一視同仁,天使及人類同樣有理智和意志,同樣是天主的兒女。 2. 一視同仁的天主聖父安排聖言降生成人,聖智則降生成天使。 3. 魔鬼之所以墜落是認為只有天使才配得上天主,要求天主刪除降生成人的計劃,只保留降生成天使的計劃。 4. 聖子聖神共發聖智。天主聖智與天主聖三異性同體,天主是四位一體了。 5. 所以,不用三角形表示天主,而應用正方形,因為正方形代表道德標準及仁義。 根據希伯來書6:1,教會不斷創新,有新的思想。 以上只是我的猜想,還望神父有空閒時審閱。謝謝! (Sep 30, 2022)
Is having a mental illness such as depression or anxiety considered a sin? Many of the symptoms of depression are very negative and can make people not trust or love God to the best of their abilities. Symptoms include wanting to die, not doing anything productive for days and having a low interest in a spiritual life. How can Catholicism help these people? (Aug 12, 2022)
I am referring to John the Baptist being cleansed of his Original Sin when Jesus visited him at the time of Visitation by Mother Mary. I never had doubted that anyone other than Mother Mary is the only one Immaculate Conception. With this clarification, I wish to ask again for your kind guidance why Mother Church did not declare St Joseph the same – Original Sin being forgiven before Christ’s death? (Jun 24, 2022)
神父,請問我們為甚麼說:天主的安排是最好的?如天主的安排是最好的,為甚麼不是即使人有自由意志,最終仍能隨著天主的安排而選擇天國? 因為我對鱗翅目昆蟲,即蝴蝶和飛蛾感到恐懼,網上說在安全的保護下,如:蝴蝶展覽,與牠們接觸便會減輕日後的恐懼;記得小時候探訪動物園時,我正想進入蝴蝶園去克服我的恐懼,誰知蝴蝶園要裝修,為甚麼天主要這樣安排,令我今天仍然害怕蝴蝶和飛蛾呢? 而且,今次的考試前,每科我也向天父祈禱,經文有一句:let me pass these exams, according to your will,但我的考試分仍有不合格,為甚麼天主這樣安排,使我今天信心大跌,沒有力量再向前呢? (Jun 17, 2022)
When did the theology of host contains both Body and Blood initiated in Catholic Church? (year, council and the pope who declared it.)
Jesus said, "This is my Body and this is my Blood and drink and eat and whoever receives will attain eternal life."
Why did Jesus not say you eat my body because it contains everything body and blood? And why do we need wine in holy mass as per the new theology if the host contains both body and blood?
Jesus teaching and new theology is mismatching. (Jun 10, 2022)
If a person passed away suddenly leaving his/her family on earth, would the departed miss the family if he/she is in heaven? If the departed knows his/her family member(s) will head towards spiritual death, would he/she be sad and concerned in heaven? If yes, is there any sadness in heaven? (Jun 03, 2022)
程神父你好。我是來自中國的新教基督徒。10年前領洗,但是後來逐漸離開了教會和信仰。直至舊年,讀榮休教宗《基督教導論》一書,令到我耳目一新,對天主教會產生興趣。我開始學習教理,祈禱,念玫瑰經。後來到聖堂參與彌撒,尤其是在YouTube的直播彌撒神領聖體中,我好切身感受到一種communion,為我帶來好久未曾感受到的平安和喜樂。經過將近一年的探索和實踐,我已決心要返到聖教會。 但是我仍未正式加入教會慕道班的學習,因爲我有一個拍拖三年的女朋友,她本身並無宗教信仰,對我的信仰不支持。我擔心這個衝突會令到我們的關係出現問題,我們的感情好好,亦都是以結婚為目的的戀愛。 爲我,若果因此影響了我們的關係,可能難以接受;爲她,都會對天主教產生敵意。換言之,即使我可以不顧反對,堅持要成爲天主教徒,好似也是自私的,因爲這樣會令她對天主教更無好感。 現時我只能維持現狀,希望自己能做福音的見證,可以幫到她去認識福音。但是無教會的牧養加上自己的軟弱,真的好難。我只能祈求天主帶領我們。 神父你可否給我一些建議,並請你爲我們祈禱,謝謝神父。 (May 06, 2022)
My daughter has been dating a Protestant whose mother said she would be perfect for him except she’s a Catholic. The boy is a kind only child and he got stuck in between. They hope for a future together. How shall they face with the mother’s stubbornness and the differences in how to raise the children in the future? Both religions believe in Jesus, why some people are so narrow minded? (Mar 25, 2022)
My step-brother believes in the Catholic Church, but he ended up baptized as a Christian. Now goes to both Christian worship and Mass in Catholic Church weekly and has been receiving the communion. I explained to him that this is not ok. However, he told me that 吳新豪神父in Taiwan told him it is ok for him. Now what shall I respond? (Mar 18, 2022)
I have the inspiration to become a priest. How do I become a priest / what is the pathway to become a priest? I am in high school. In multiple occasions, it seems there are callings for me to pursue the role of a priest, and I do desire to serve the Lord and others. Is it possible to share how I, or anyone who also experiences the same epiphany, can to become a priest? (Feb 11, 2022)
In Genesis 9:16, “Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.” God made a covenant with Noah never to destroy life by the waters of a flood. I personally saw a rainbow on Oct 24. And a double rainbow appeared in the sky of Vancouver on Nov 5 which a lot of people saw and captured on camera. But yet BC had an extreme flooding on Monday. Is God mad at us? (Feb 04, 2022)
A priest said having a lot of faith means doing a lot of volunteer work and give money to the church. I always thought faith is about living up the Word and allow the Word to lead our conscience, conduct, and to shape us as a person. But this priest said having faith got nothing to do with it. (Jan 14, 2022)
I was recently told by a Catholic friend that we shouldn’t receive holy communion by hand, and should only receive directly on our tongue. Reasons being only priests’ hands are consecrated, if we receive by hand, traces of small particles of Jesus’ body will be on our hands. Moreover, the likelihood of dropping the bread is higher if we receive it by hands. Could you share what is the Catholic history and teaching on this? Are there certain groups of Catholics who were taught differently? (Dec 24, 2021)
Does all Apostles have the power to baptize Holy Spirit or only Peter and John? In ACTs chapter 8 verse 12, it said Philip as he preached the good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, men and women were baptized… Then at the same Chapter 8 verse 15… Peter and John, who went down and prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Spirit, for it had not yet fallen upon any of them? (Nov 19, 2021)
If God the Father is a Spirit, how can He made human according to his own image? When I was young I always thought God the Father is a old man hovering over the earth. I gradually realized this is a wrong thinking. But then I remember in the Old Testament it describes God is invisible and like a force / wind, then how can He create human according to His own image? (Nov 05, 2021)
This was given by 2 priests under 2 occasions. 1. Church celebrates St John’s birthday in addition to his death because of his free of original sins when father tried to explain why only 2 saints, including Mother Mary, were celebrating birthdays. 2. Jesus visited St John before his death in person since John was martyred before Christ. Your kind clarifications are most needed. God Bless. (Oct 18, 2021)
我因為在台灣軍隊當兵時 被新教徒同袍嗆信的是邪教 再加上我看過很多新教徒對我們的誣陷且跟新教徒在網路上口角(這以前跟您提過) 因此對新教徒有種本能的厭惡 當然不是每個都厭惡 很多對我們友善的新教徒我也是很肯定 參加教會活動時有新教徒來參與我也是禮貌招呼 但是我就是對新教徒有種戒心與反感 我爸的同事介紹她的教會的成員給我相親 我都回絕了 我阿姨也想介紹她教會成員相親 我卻想迴避 我甚至發過重誓絕不娶新教徒為妻 膽敢違誓 死後必面對地獄永火 以此表明對聖教會的忠誠 因為我認為娶新教徒就是背教的第一步 我爸因此對我很不諒解 甚至因此我對他福傳他都說我信仰偏激所以他不願接觸教理 接受福傳 我卻覺得如果我讓步 我從小讀到大的忠義事蹟就等於白讀了 神父您對此有何見解? (Jul 23, 2021)
神父,我老婆是在民間信仰背景下長大的,她家人很常拜土地公,拜大伯公的神明,她本身相信一貫道,但她能接受不同信仰,包括天主教,她相信任何宗教都是好的,教人向善,所以都能夠接受各種不同的宗教。 我們目前是遠距離,目前只是公證結婚,還需要領婚配,她也大方接受整個過程。 但是問題是我們仍然常因為宗教上的不同而爭吵,例如民間信仰的信物,她認為是保平安,我和她說這東西不潔,她卻說我思想很偏激,不能過接受其他宗教。另外,她也說我們結婚時,女方那裡可能需要在神明面前,但她不勉強我去拜,拿香,只希望我站在旁邊完成整個儀式,她說是她們的習俗。 我知道不同宗教間存在著許許多多的不一樣的價值觀,我想要維持這一段感情,想請神父針對我日後的生活方式或應對方式給予一些建議和指導。謝謝神父。 (Jun 18, 2021)
Do dreams mean anything? Can we interpret our dreams? I often dream about a childhood friend who gave me a Miraculous Medal when we were little. We haven’t been in touch for over ten years. Is there anything I can do besides praying and offering Mass for this childhood friend of mine? (Jun 18, 2021)
Why was “father” missing in Mark 10:30? In the Mark 10:29, Jesus said, “there is no one who has left house, brothers, sisters, mother, father, children or land for my sake and for the sake of the gospel”, but in the 10:30 “who will not receive a hundred times as much, houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and land”. The notion “father” appeared in the 10:29 but missed in 10:30, why? (Jun 04, 2021)
In John’s Gospel today, he mentioned that “…Jesus healed many who were sick with various diseases …” Why did not Jesus cure everyone there together, vs individually? I truly believe Jesus has that power in curing everyone at once. This passage, however, leads me to “see” that Jesus were tired or worn out after curing all these people “individually” – one-by-one. Am I misreading the Word of God somewhere? Your kind guidance is very much needed. Thank you Fr. Francis. God Bless you Fr. (May 07, 2021)
Regarding the definition of suicide, if a man has a curable disease, and chooses not to receive medical treatment, has he committed suicide? For example, if the man has cancer, and can survive with the removal of his lower intestine, and chooses not to allow the surgery, or if he has a heart condition, and refuses to take any medicine. If the man has a disease and allows nature to take its course, and dies as a result, is this considered suicide? (Feb 26, 2021)
My 92 year old grandma has been Buddhist all her life. She feels it would be betrayal to Buddha if she converts to Catholicism. I explained first step is just to get to know Jesus, like getting to know a friend. She doesn't have to convert now– it's not like remarrying, only at getting to know stage. I still feel her resistance. Anything else I can do aside from this and praying? (Dec 11, 2020)
During the pandemic, there are lots of online resources for Mass and Prayers. Due to busy schedule, we don’t always have to actively participate but still want to listen to His words. Sometimes we listened to these resources while doing other things, is it considered disrespectful to passively listen to these resources? (Oct 30, 2020)
神父,你曾解釋過人很喜歡抓住罪惡、軟弱、傷痕及無能等等不放,所以我們應該放手交給上主。但是,有時這些過往犯過的罪、受過的傷痕及因為自己的害怕、軟弱及無能而令別人或自己受影響的這些經過,往往是我們人生的重要學習及侮過機會,雖然傷口仍在,雖然每次想起都覺得自己是個該死的人,但這些經歷造就了現在的我,就是讓我及早發現我的行動有機會會傷害別人、在遇到別人經歷悲痛時會更感同身受,在自己每次低潮時用過往的努力鼓勵自己。痛苦、不辛及哀傷等等跟快樂及幸福一樣都是人生珍貴的經歷,我們應該把痛苦的經歷全交給天主?還是作為保貴的一課去記著?另外,雖然已經有在努力但仍然會犯錯,以及每次想起洗禮前自己所犯的大錯都會非常感到對不起上主,因為有些過去了事情是怎樣也補贖不到的,很害怕不能光榮天主之餘反而讓天主因我而蒙羞,應該怎樣辦呢? (Oct 30, 2020)
My husband and I have not have sex for over a year because I was pregnant for 9 months and had health issues so we could not have sex during pregnancy. I am now 3 months postpartum and not sure when my fertility will return. I gave birth by cesarean so it’s not safe to have another baby until 18 months. My question is, can Catholic married couples use contraception in a situation like this? I don’t want my husband to masturbate if I keep him waiting. (Oct 23, 2020)
On Holy Thursday, I remember the gospel reading of John 13:27, it says after Judas received the piece of bread, Satan entered him: how can that be possible when Jesus has given him the bread ( body of Christ) ?! I felt really puzzled about it, I thought with Jesus in you, the devil should have no chance! (Jul 03, 2020)
There have been a lot of child abuse cases and sex scandals within the church among high ranking bishops/cardinals – how can this be if these bishops and cardinals are supposed to be the people closest to god, who are supposed to be gods representatives and chosen by God. I’ve heard so many people leaving the church because of this problem. What should we, as a Catholic say when facing this question? (Jun 26, 2020)
I am very disturbed by reports (such as “The Vortex – Keeping Balanced” on Youtube) from Church Militant and various other traditional Catholic groups, in particular, the church being infiltrated by faithless and filthy clergy and trying to cover up. I am wondering if I have been taught the right things and who I should believe. (Jun 12, 2020)
Response to your answer to Can Catholics practice Longevitology – Longevitology users channel universal energy when putting hands on others (if God created the universe then the energy is also created by God). During an "adjustment" they are not necessarily thinking of anything, but just allowing the universal energy to pass through them while meditating. (May 01, 2020)
Is it ok or is it wrong as a Catholic to believe that in some cases, the desire to homosexuality is not a sin, but only the act to have sex with same sex or marry a same sex is a sin? Because I see it just like when I get really really depressed ( I have mental illness), sometimes I can't help myself feeling suicidal, but I do what most I can do, is to go straight to hospital emergency or call crisis line that sort of things so that although I have thoughts, I don't carry out action? (Apr 24, 2020)
How should or can I handle church weekly printed bulletins if I wish to dispose them? May I recycle them just as any paper products? If so, should I be shredding them before disposing? Or, should I bring them to any public places and leave them there, such as libraries, whenever possible and permissible? (Apr 17, 2020)
May I promote Christian values and beliefs using secular argumentation? For example, is it wrong to argue against abortion using secular arguments? Abraham tells the rich man, “if they do no listen to Moses and the prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.” If scripture won't convince someone, then miracles won’t convince someone, and if miracles won’t convince someone, then secular arguments won't. (Feb 21, 2020)
I am curious, this ‘praying to saints’. The Bible teaches to be absent the body is to be present with Christ. And we also learn that Christ is at the right hand of God the Father. So, wouldn’t they be in awe of the presence of God? Also, many people ‘pray to Mary’, but Mary is an individual. Even assuming she would not be in awe of God, but be looking at Earth, how could she hear it all? This seems to ascribe Godly attributes to created beings. Angels can’t be everywhere at once either. (Jan 03, 2020)
California’s bill SB360 on child abuse learned in confessionals. I know the Scripture says Jesus gave the apostles authority to absolve sins; but does the Bible say all has to be kept confidential? I understand the practicality of confidentiality- otherwise many people won’t want to confess- but if a Catholic is truly repentant for child abuse, shouldnt he/she be willing to face imprisonment? If that’s the case then shouldn’t priests have no issue handing them over to police? (Aug 23, 2019)
“I kept those you had given me true to your name. I have watched over them and not one is lost except the one who chose to be lost, and this was to fulfil the scriptures.” (John 17: 12)
I was asked multiple times by Catechumens that if Judas was “framed” by God as a traitor to Jesus and my explanation was that it is God’s wish for men to have full choice but Judas had chosen wrongly and deadly. However, today’s reading (John 17:12) bring this up again, this time to myself, with the writing “and this was to fulfil the scriptures” sounds like “in order for Scriptures to be fulfilled, Judas MUST betray Jesus”. I know I am wrong somewhere but just cannot resolve to a satisfactory answer. (Aug 16, 2019)
My husband is a Christian and I am a Catholic and we have been married for over thirty years. Two years ago, I was diagnosed with cancer. When struggling from my sickness, I asked my husband to go to learn Catholic bible so that he can be baptized as a Catholic once I recovered. He agreed but his friends and old classmates learnt of this and said he is a traitor from his own religion. How can I comfort my husband for being called a traitor by his friends? (Jul 05, 2019)
I have been trying to quit my bad habit of patronizing massage parlors for ages as I now know it is conflicting with the sixth commandment. My sex drive pushes me so hard that I use masturbation with porn videos so to avoid the action of buying sexual satisfaction. Which action is more serious? (Jun 21, 2019)
What are the various Catholic churches with names like Maronite, Coptic and Slovak Catholic Church. In the Nicene Creed,”I believe one holy catholic and apostolic Church”, so are churches just like CMCC serving the ethnic groups? Are these churches legit for Roman Catholics? How about Eastern and Orthodox? (Mar 29, 2019)
My siblings are planning a family vacation for our elderly parents. We are Catholic but not all practicing. They want to go to a remote resort where I may not be able to find a church to fulfill my Sunday obligation. I am torn between 1) going for the trip & missing Sunday Mass, or 2) skipping the trip & disappointing my elderly parents. Any advice? (Mar 15, 2019)
When Angel Gabriel visited Zechariah and Mary, both of them did not understand how things could happen the way Gabriel announced. Though they asked similar questions, Zechariah ended up losing his power of speech whereas for Mary, the angel just left her. Why did they have such different consequences? (Feb 22, 2019)
「瑪竇福音 9:18 - 耶穌向他們說這話的時候,有一位首長前來跪拜他說:『我的女兒剛纔死了,可是請你來,把你的手放在她身上,她必會活。』
馬爾谷福音 5:22 - 那時,來了一個會堂長,名叫雅依洛,一見耶穌,就跪伏在他腳前,5:23懇切求他說:『我的小女兒快要死了,請你來,給她覆手,叫她得救回生。』
路加福音 8:41 - 看,來了一個人,名叫雅依洛,這人是一個會堂長,他跪伏在耶穌腳前,求他到自己家中去,8:42因為他有一個獨生女,約十二歲,快要死了。當耶穌去的時候,群眾都擁擠他。」
「馬竇福音 10:10 - 路上不要帶口袋,也不要帶兩件內衣,也不要穿鞋,也不要帶棍杖,因為工人自當有他的食物。
馬爾谷福音 6:8 - 囑咐他們在路上除了一根棍杖外,什麼也不要帶:不要帶食物,不要帶口袋,也不要在腰帶裡帶銅錢;6:9卻要穿鞋,不要穿兩件內衣。
路加福音 - 9:3向他們說:『你們在路上什麼也不要帶,也不要帶棍杖,也不要帶口袋,也不要帶食物,也不要帶銀錢也不要帶兩件內衣。』」 (Nov 02, 2018)
In The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (Canada), Article 274 indicates the following:
"If, however, the tabernacle with the Most Blessed Sacrament is situated in the sanctuary, the Priest, the Deacon, and the other ministers genuflect when they approach the altar and when they depart from it, but not during the Mass itself."
Article 274 then goes on to state the following:
"Otherwise, all who pass before the Most Blessed Sacrament genuflect, unless they are moving in procession."
This would seem to imply that the Lector should genuflect in front of the altar (with the tabernacle directly behind it) prior to approaching the ambo to read.
In his book, Liturgical Question Box (1998), Peter J. Elliott, Auxiliary Bishop of Melbourne, states the following:
“Lectors and cantors who come from the body of the church to the ambo in the sanctuary need to be reminded that they are only permitted to substitute a bow for the genuflection if they have some disability.”
In another one of his books, Ceremonies of the Modern Roman Rite, 2nd Edition (2005), in Article 199 he reiterates the advice from the GIRM, but he then adds additional detail:
“If the tabernacle is located on the sanctuary, the celebrant, deacons, servers, lectors etc., genuflect when approaching the altar at the beginning and leaving at the end of a liturgical celebration. But they do not genuflect when passing the tabernacle during a celebration. Otherwise, all who pass before the tabernacle genuflect, for example lectors and extraordinary ministers on entering and leaving the sanctuary. Only those who are physically incapacitated should substitute a bow for the genuflection.”
There seems to be enough information provided by these sources to support the cause for Lectors to genuflect before arriving at the ambo to read. How should we interpret this? Should Lectors genuflect before arriving at the ambo to read?
(Oct 05, 2018)
I desire to go to Mass, but then I would doubt why should I be there. Because I doubt, then I start to try finding a reason for that. However, I cannot find a reason, but I keep following my desires. Personally, not acting completely rationally is acceptable, but if I act just for the sake of fulfilling my desires, then I think I am irresponsible for my faith. At some moment, I think that I should not be receiving the Eucharist but I desire for the Eucharist. It is like mentally, I adhere to my desire, but intellectually, I think I should not just fulfill my desire for the sake of fulfilling my desires.
Sometimes, I try to compare my experience with God as dating a guy, then I kind of understand why I act this way. Love requires no reason, it is just what it is. But then, it seems too emotional.
I was newly baptized Catholic, I know that my relationship with God is getting more intimate, but I do not know how to react to this drastic change. I once thought that my problem is trying to comprehend the incomprehensible (i.e. God). I tried to plug my experience into some philosophical relationship, such as I-ethernal Thou encounter suggested by Martin Buber, or I-Other relationship suggested by Levinas. In some sense, I feel that I am bringing down the transcendence to explicit human experience. I myself is so confused with those ideas too, so I am not sure what do I really believe.
I think I am in a stage that I know what is happening, but also do not know what exactly is happening. ( I know this statement is contradictory itself, but that is how I feel.)
What are our responsibilities as godparents? We have a goddaughter whose parents send her to catechism classes, but do not actively practice the faith. We constantly pray for her and write spiritual letters to her, but as she grows older, she seems to be uninterested in the Catholic faith. What else can we do to fulfill our roles? (Jul 20, 2018)
We are doing the quest of what it will be life after death. Some came back from death, say they went to a village. Will Catholics go to the same village or will be in a different domain? Do we need to spend money ( like that claimed by Buddhist) after death? Souls are attracted by DNA of the body. Some got our hairs and nails, can do that with a spell according to Mau-Shan witch craft. Any spell to break free from DNA so the souls will not be captured by such witch craft? (May 04, 2018)
The disciples selected Matthias as a replacement of Judas. But then God picked Saul Himself later on. There is no mention of Matthias in the Bible except in first chapter of Acts. On the contrary, Paul's teaching in his letters has a huge influence in the infancy of the Church, and Church nowadays. Was Matthias not a perfect replacement in God's eyes? (Jan 26, 2018)
While Catholics should not formally or materially support same sex marriage, how should we take civil union or civil partnership? Are they considered "marriage"?
Some Catholics who support LGBT, because they see their friends suffering and being marginalized, would argue that people who oppose same sex marriage are prejudiced and narrow-minded. What should we say to them? (Jan 12, 2018)
After having three kids, a couple decide not to have any more children because they know that they are incapable of giving enough attention or financial support if there are too many kids. How can the couple avoid conception (almost 100%) while following the Church’s teachings? Does NFP reassures this? (May 26, 2017)