First of all, it is easy to say I love God. It is quite something else to prove it. God indeed is sufficient, but we must prove that we believe it.
In Rom 5:8 says, “God proved His love for us in this: that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Jesus called His disciples into living as a community. The early Christians had always been in community. And Jesus instituted the Church, so that we are His Body and His People.
I think this is the wisdom of God: don’t just say we love God, prove it by loving others whom we can see and who are hard to love. Jesus wants us to love as He loves. He loved the good, but especially the bad ones. In fact, He died on the cross for the unjustified, unconditionally. He said: if you love me, go and do likewise.
Whenever we find ourselves have to live or work with those we consider unlovable, consider the following:
– I may be just as unlovable to them
– As much as Jesus loves me, He loves them too
– If I say I love Jesus, I must also love whom He loves — them.
– Loving those who are hard to love is doing Jesus’ command. This is pleasing to Him. Thank you Jesus for letting me do something pleasing to You.
– These same people can as easily find their way to heaven as myself. If I don’t love them now, I won’t love them in heaven either, and heaven will become hell for me.
– Above all, Jesus, help me to love like You! Give me the necessary graces and mercy! I want all the blessings I need from You!