Why do we need to go to confession?
There are a number of reasons. The most important reason is that Jesus instituted the sacrament of confession as the primary method for our sins to be forgiven.
Read More →There are a number of reasons. The most important reason is that Jesus instituted the sacrament of confession as the primary method for our sins to be forgiven.
Read More →首先該立時找神父辦一個好的告解,趁機亦可詢問神父一些建議。自然,最先要修補的是每日祈禱生活,及主日彌撒,勤領聖體。
Read More →Knowing our sins is a grace from God. As we grow more and more intent on imitating Jesus in every aspect of our life, to love only what He loves, to forgive, to be generous, to be compassionate especially to the poor and those most in need of God, we would more and more be able to see clearly our own selfishness, worldliness, miserliness, pride, greed, lust, envy etc.
Read More →If you are asking, when a person approaches a priest to have confession, does the Canon Law provide any provision for the priest to refuse him/her, the answer is no.
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