Having a desire to go to Mass and Adoration, even on a daily basis, in itself is a very good thing. If you have the time, and doing so on top of your Sunday obligation does not take you away from other necessary obligations, I would say that the Lord is showering upon you a very special grace and consolation to come very close to Him. Do not be afraid of the Lord’s invitation. If you have doubts over this feeling or your own motivation, still go, and tell Jesus about these obstacles. Ask Him to purify your thoughts. Doubts and mixed motives are often there, but we must not hold back just because we are not sure of ourselves. We should instead make a greater act of faith to be sure that Jesus can help us.
In this way, if the feelings were not from God, Jesus will purify them. But if the feelings were from God, then this gift will multiply and you will indeed derive great benefits out of it.