1. Yes. Heaven is very real. In fact, it is more real than the world we see.
You know, what we can see is only the physical world, a small part of the whole creation that God made. There is the spiritual world, the invisible world where heaven is, where God and the angels are.
2. 3. his invisible world is right here. And heaven is where God’s love is celebrated. It is not a different place far away from us. It is just a deeper place, deeper than the visible reality we see, that is far greater than this physical universe.
For example: you see your Mom and Dad. You can tell where they are and what they are doing. But what you can see does not tell you everything that you know of them. You know they love you. And over time you will discover far more about the wonderful people they are that you can’t see and that you don’t know right now. Now that’s a deeper reality, an invisible world that is spiritual, right here in this world, but deeper. And when you get to know the love and goodness a person has, you would agree that this hidden world of good is far more real than the visible world that we can only see.
4. Of course. When we pass on from this life, we will have the ability to see this spiritual world. We will come to realize that all our life, we have always been surrounded by angels and the presence of God. And so of course, when we do get to heaven, all the good people will be there. Not only will we see them, but we will see them more clearly than we could ever able to in this life, as we will see also their entire spiritual reality. But even greater than that, we will be able to see God as He is, along with the fullness of His love and glory that will fulfill all our desires and make us so happy.
5. As I said, heaven is everywhere but deeper. Heaven is not limited between earth and space. More accurately, compared to heaven, the whole earth and the entire universe, is like the shadow of a tree, occupying a space in heaven less than a grain of sand.
6. Ah, Jesus, and his Father and the Holy Spirit are deeply united into one reality of love, which is God. So yes, Jesus is God, Father is God, Holy Spirit is God; yet together there is only one God because they are so completely one.
7. Actually, people who died do not become angels or guardian angels. Angels are great, awe-inspiring, invisible, spiritual being that God created to carry out His Will. They and we are totally different. But what is amazing is that God made us to be God’s children, something that angels can never be. So in heaven, people are children of God, and these powerful angels who serve God, will in fact serve God’s children, us, as well.
In this life, because we can’t see the invisible reality very well, we are not able to see God and angels and those in heaven readily. However, whenever we love, whenever we seek God’s good Will, we become more united with God and can sense more of the spiritual reality around us. We call that spiritual trust in God and conviction of spiritual things faith. In faith, we know we are one with the dead who are in God.