Q : 
As a Catholic teenager living in the UK, June is ‘Pride month’ for the LGBT community, how should we see it as Catholics and how to have a conversation with LGBTQ+ people as me and my Catholic friends are having an online debate with some LGBT atheist. Also how should we view Christians from other denominations that celebrate pride and goes to pride parade as well as Catholics that are LGBT? God bless.
【 Question from 】 United States 美國

Fr. Francis : 
There is already a lot of material on this topic on the internet. Instead of giving a teaching here, here is the policy I adopted that i found helpful for myself.
I found it helpful to receive people, even Catholics, with this or other woke agendas simply as someone  of another religion. When I meet someone of an exotic religion, my mode of operation is curiosity and dialogue, and the desire to understand how their beliefs may lead to what is true, good and beautiful. Sometimes that leads to genuine enlightenment, sometimes appreciation of how they arrive at their beliefs, sometimes realization on their part for something greater, sometimes realization on my part that they are simply not interested in genuine dialogue. However, I would not go all preachy and judgemental, I would not argue with them. I will attempt to exchange views and engage in fun debate insofar as they are willing. And for many religions, they are willing to simply talk about things in good faith once we understand each other as not trying to be pushy.
I figure that if I can do this for pagans, I can do this for them. This way, I won’t get angry and pushy. I won’t lose my patience as easily. I don’t get as upset and inhospitable as I know I would. Instead I can still keep my humour, show genuine love for them, and be ready for the Holy Spirit’s inspiration.
And then away from them, I pray fervently for them. I offer my weekly fasting for them. I offer mass for them. I entrust them into God’s hand, and the maternal intercession of Our Lady. And as often as I can, I offer my little sacrifices for them.