Q :
If I was Catholic before, but left the church, what do I do to become catholic again? I went every Sunday with my family, baptized as an infant, had my First Communion, Confirmation, but not my wedding. My husband was a Baptist, so we were married in a Baptist Church. Ten years later, I want to raise my family in a Catholic Church, as does he. What do I do?
【 Question from 】 Other, US
Fr. Francis :
First of all, welcome back to the Catholic Church!
I would encourage you first speak with your local pastor. A number of things will probably follow:
- That he would encourage you to regularize your marriage, which we call “convalidation”. This is essentially going through your wedding a second time, except this time is prepared and recognized by the Church. If both of you did not have a previous marriage, and both of you want it, this should be a simple process.
- You will need to go to confession. With your marriage currently not recognized by the Church, the priest may not be able to absolve you. However, once you have begun the convalidation process, your pastor will be able to guide you here.
- If you have children and they are not baptized, or baptized but have not yet received other sacraments, they need to be prepared if they are of age.
- Your pastor may also ask if your husband would like to join the Catholic Church as well.
- And your pastor would also invite you to be registered with the parish, and participate in various activities and ministries of the parish.
Hope this helps.